Palabra y Razón is an academic journal published since 2012 by the Faculty of Religious and Philosophical Sciences at Universidad Católica del Maule in the city of Talca, region of Maule (Chile). Its main proposal is to open a fertile space for critical thinking and interdisciplinary dialogue by publishing original and specialized articles in philosophy throughout all its traditional areas, theology, and religious sciences. Furthermore, Palabra y Razón especially welcomes topics coming from humanities and social sciences which can be related to the research lines affined to our journal. Therefore, we look up research dissemination that, from its regional identity, encourages the plurality of thinking.

Our biannual publication looks for both national and international academics. Each article is submitted to a strict double-blind peer evaluation. Moreover, we accept contributions such as reviews, translations, interviews, thesis work progress, and results of research projects which will be evaluated and approved for their publication by the journal’s editorial committee.

Palabra y Razón is currently indexed by the database of The Philosopher’s Index, Doaj, Redalyc, Latindex Directorio-Catálogo 2.0, Erih Plus, Google Scholar, Dialnet .

ISSN Impreso: 0719-2223
ISSN Electrónico: 2452-4646

No 25 (2024): Palabra y Razón

Published: 01-08-2024

Presentación del Director

Gonzalo Núñez Erices




Possibilities of democracy

Posibilidades de la democracia

Cristóbal Friz




Regarding the ethical project of Enrique Dussel

The 2023 United Nations climate change conference or denying the right to live

En torno al ideario ético de Enrique Dussel
Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático del 2023 o la negación del derecho a la vida

Roberto Echevarria-Marin




The incursion of artificial intelligences in everyday life

Analysis of some biocultural transformations in the age of technology

La incursión de las inteligencias artificiales en la cotidianidad
Análisis de algunas transformaciones bioculturales en la época de la tecnología

Diana Carolina Ardila-Luna, Israel Arturo Orrego-Echeverría, Manuel Leonardo Prada-Rodríguez





Experience of meaning and poetic language

Experiencia de significado y lenguaje poético

Experience of meaning and poetic language

Benjamín Hernán Álvarez González




Thinking about the resurrection of Jesus from the symbolism of darkness as a figure of the monstrous

Pensar la resurrección de Jesús desde la simbólica de la oscuridad como figura de lo monstruoso

Juan Pablo Espinosa Arce




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