Author Guidelines
Palabra y Razón has four publication sections: Research Articles, Review or Translation, Contribution, and Dossier (the details for each section are available in About the journal).
The manuscript must be delivered completely finished to avoid corrections or additions in the testing stage. It must be submitted in WORD format to work on its edition and not in PDF format. The supported languages are Spanish, English, French, German and Portuguese. The eventual possibility of publishing a manuscript in other languages is subject to the study of each particular case and will be conducted by the Editorial Board.
WARNING: If the manuscript does not accomplish the journal’s guidelines, the evaluation process will NOT begin until the author is sure to comply all the compulsory requirements.
Authors are requested to delete all personal information from the manuscript that could relate it with the author’s identity (name or e-mail, for example). If the manuscript includes references of other work already published by the author, these must be kept anonymously until the manuscript is declared as accepted. Additionally, the Word file must be completely anonymized at the moment of submission. The author is the exclusive responsible of accomplishing all these requirements what is fundamental to protect the double-blind peer review of the manuscript.
The author must attach a brief academic curriculum in PDF format different form the Word document of the manuscript.
Finally, Palabra y Razón suggests the use of gender-inclusive language for any submission. The guidelines to an inclusive writing can be advised with the United Nations website.
The first page should include: article title in Spanish and English; author’s full name; followed by his/her academic degree; institutional affiliation; institutional email; and ORCID number (if you do not have one, you can register here). EVERYTHING CENTERED.
Note: It is not convenient to put both author’s surnames because the indexers – following the use of cultures that have only one last name, the father’s – will index the work by the last word, that is, the mother’s maiden name. In that case, the bibliography may be incomplete (unless you have always done so). If an author wants their two last names to appear there, they must be joined by a hyphen as if they form a single Word.
Next, the summary in Spanish and English of a maximum of 200 words in Garamond size 10 must be added. And then 5 to 6 keywords in Spanish and English in Garamond size 11.
Resumen: Este trabajo busca analizar desde una perspectiva filosófica algunos de los análisis socioculturales que hace el documento de Aparecida sobre América Latina. La tesis de fondo es que existe un diagnóstico compartido entre algunos filósofos contemporáneos y los obispos latinoamericanos.
Palabras claves: sin sentido–opacidad–falta de unidad–autonomía–complejidad
Abstract: This paper analyzes from a philosophical perspective some of the sociocultural analysis by the Aparecida´s Document about Latin America. The basic thesis is that there is shared diagnosis among some contemporary philosophers and the Latin American bishops.
Key words: without sense – opacity – lack of unity – autonomy – complexity
In case that the language of the citation is different from the manuscript language and no official translation is available, the author must put the Spanish translation in the main text (indicating that the translation has been added by the author), while the original citation must be added as a footnote.
If the author decides to leave out any part of the citation as irrelevant, the omission must be indicated by adding ellipsis between square brackets [...].
Example: … los pueblos orientales”)2.
If the manuscript is written in English, periods must be to the left of closing quotations marks, footnote numbers, and closing brackets.
Example: … the limit of knowledge.”)2
All bibliographical references must be included in the body of the text; never as a footnote. The use of notations such as cit., id., ibidem, ibid or alike is not acceptable either.
All sources that are cited throughout the manuscript must appear in the reference list at the end of the document. Those that have not been correctly cited in the main body of the manuscript will not be accepted as sources.
When the citation has less than 40 words (up to three complete lines in a paragraph) it is written embedded in the text, between quotation marks and without italics. Otherwise, citations of more than 40 words are written separately from the text, with narrower margins and without quotation marks.
For example: (Wittgenstein, 2002, §23).
Two or more entries by the same author with the same year must be ordered alphabetically according to the title of the work and including a lowercase letter after the year both in the citation used in the main body of the manuscript and in the reference list at the end of the manuscript. Also, each entry in your reference list should have a hanging indent one-half inch from the left margin. For example:
Schaffer, J. (2013a). Metaphysical Semantics Meets Multiple Realizability. Analysis Reviews, 73(2), 736-51.
Schaffer, J. (2013b). The Action of the Whole. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 87(1), 67-87.
Names of up to twenty authors must be reported in the reference list. If the source has more than twenty authors, you should list the first 19 authors and then use an ellipsis after the 19th author’s name. After the ellipses, write the name of the last author of the work.
Smart, J. (2017). The Mind/Brain Identity Theory. En E. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Recuperado en 25 de septiembre de 2020, de
In case of an HTML document will indicate, the availability and access of information, in order to identify and locate the source cited and the consultation date will also be indicated.
The manuscript must be delivered completely finished to avoid corrections or additions in the testing stage. It must be submitted in WORD format to work on its edition and not in PDF format. The supported languages are Spanish, English, French, German and Portuguese. The eventual possibility of publishing a manuscript in other languages is subject to the study of each particular case and will be conducted by the Editorial Board.
WARNING: If the manuscript does not accomplish the journal’s guidelines, the evaluation process will NOT begin until the author is sure to comply all the compulsory requirements.
Authors are requested to delete all personal information from the manuscript that could relate it with the author’s identity (name or e-mail, for example). If the manuscript includes references of other work already published by the author, these must be kept anonymously until the manuscript is declared as accepted. Additionally, the Word file must be completely anonymized at the moment of submission. The author is the exclusive responsible of accomplishing all these requirements what is fundamental to protect the double-blind peer review of the manuscript.
The author must attach a brief academic curriculum in PDF format different form the Word document of the manuscript.
Finally, Palabra y Razón suggests the use of gender-inclusive language for any submission. The guidelines to an inclusive writing can be advised with the United Nations website.
Article guidelines
The article must have a minimum of 8,000 and a maximum of 10,000 words –included in that footnotes and the reference list at the end of the article; Letter size paper with margins in Normal Template; Font type Garamond size 12; 1.5 line spacing and justify text.The first page should include: article title in Spanish and English; author’s full name; followed by his/her academic degree; institutional affiliation; institutional email; and ORCID number (if you do not have one, you can register here). EVERYTHING CENTERED.
- Original title in bold, in Garamond size 14
- English title in bold, in Garamond size 12
- Author’s name in bold, in Garamond size 12
- Author’s Origin or affiliation, in Garamond size 12
- Email, in Garamond size 12
- ORCID number, in Garamond 12
Una aproximación filosófica a algunos aspectos del
Documento de Aparecida
A philosophical approach to some aspects of
Document of Aparecida
Enrique V. Muñoz Pérez
Universidad Católica del Maule
Note: It is not convenient to put both author’s surnames because the indexers – following the use of cultures that have only one last name, the father’s – will index the work by the last word, that is, the mother’s maiden name. In that case, the bibliography may be incomplete (unless you have always done so). If an author wants their two last names to appear there, they must be joined by a hyphen as if they form a single Word.
Next, the summary in Spanish and English of a maximum of 200 words in Garamond size 10 must be added. And then 5 to 6 keywords in Spanish and English in Garamond size 11.
Resumen: Este trabajo busca analizar desde una perspectiva filosófica algunos de los análisis socioculturales que hace el documento de Aparecida sobre América Latina. La tesis de fondo es que existe un diagnóstico compartido entre algunos filósofos contemporáneos y los obispos latinoamericanos.
Palabras claves: sin sentido–opacidad–falta de unidad–autonomía–complejidad
Abstract: This paper analyzes from a philosophical perspective some of the sociocultural analysis by the Aparecida´s Document about Latin America. The basic thesis is that there is shared diagnosis among some contemporary philosophers and the Latin American bishops.
Key words: without sense – opacity – lack of unity – autonomy – complexity
Further directions
Subtitles must be numbered and attached to the margin, in bold, Garamond size 12. As far as possible, these should be precise and brief.First Paragraph
The first paragraph of the manuscript and each paragraph after a subtitle always goes with indentation, all the remaining paragraphs always goes with indentation.Citations
Citations of more than either 40 words length or three extension lines must constitute an independent paragraph and indentation; and those with less than three lines must be between double sign quotation and included in the main text body with the same font type and size.In case that the language of the citation is different from the manuscript language and no official translation is available, the author must put the Spanish translation in the main text (indicating that the translation has been added by the author), while the original citation must be added as a footnote.
If the author decides to leave out any part of the citation as irrelevant, the omission must be indicated by adding ellipsis between square brackets [...].
The manuscript must contain only footnotes, never endnotes; their quantity and extension should only be the necessary.Double Brackets
If the author needs to include a second parenthesis in some part of the text that already is between parenthesis must be written as follows: [(aaa)].Punctuation
If the manuscript is written in Spanish, periods must close sentences. They must be to the right of closing quotations marks, footnote numbers, and closing brackets.Example: … los pueblos orientales”)2.
If the manuscript is written in English, periods must be to the left of closing quotations marks, footnote numbers, and closing brackets.
Example: … the limit of knowledge.”)2
Quotation Marks
Quotation marks will be used for literal quotes coming from other works. The quotation marks must be the “ ”. Single citations ‘ ’ will be used only for a citation within another quote.Other Languages or Expressions to Highlight
For words in another language or expressions to be highlighted italics must be used.Hyphens
Short hyphens (-) must be used to separate years, pages and to join compound words. Large hyphens (―) must be only used in the case of embedded sentences.Greek or Hebrew Fonts
For Greek and Hebrew or other sources, the author must make sure to use a UNICODE format that is not altered when editing the work. We thank the authors for sending the source used in UNICODE format along with the article to be evaluated.Bibliographical references
Palabra y Razón only accepts manuscripts that accomplish the citation and reference format according to APA style taken from Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th edition of 2020.All bibliographical references must be included in the body of the text; never as a footnote. The use of notations such as cit., id., ibidem, ibid or alike is not acceptable either.
All sources that are cited throughout the manuscript must appear in the reference list at the end of the document. Those that have not been correctly cited in the main body of the manuscript will not be accepted as sources.
When the citation has less than 40 words (up to three complete lines in a paragraph) it is written embedded in the text, between quotation marks and without italics. Otherwise, citations of more than 40 words are written separately from the text, with narrower margins and without quotation marks.
Citation Symbols
If it is needed by the cited source, certain symbols can be used to indicate instead of the page (p.).For example: (Wittgenstein, 2002, §23).
Narrative Citation (Author Based)
Example: One of the characteristics of classical fundamentalism is the relationship between those beliefs susceptible to error and those that are not. In this sense, Dancy (2007) states that “infallible beliefs were those by reference to which other beliefs will be justified” (p. 79).Bracket Citation (Text Based)
Example: “The program of classical fundamentalism would claim that infallible beliefs would occur by reference to which other beliefs will be justified” (Dancy, 2007, p. 79).Reference List
The reference list must be ordered alphabetically by the author’s last name followed by the initials of the author’s name. Entries of several works by the same author should be ordered by year of publication from the most recent to the oldest. Finally, if a cited source has a DOI, this must be include at the end of the reference.Two or more entries by the same author with the same year must be ordered alphabetically according to the title of the work and including a lowercase letter after the year both in the citation used in the main body of the manuscript and in the reference list at the end of the manuscript. Also, each entry in your reference list should have a hanging indent one-half inch from the left margin. For example:
Schaffer, J. (2013a). Metaphysical Semantics Meets Multiple Realizability. Analysis Reviews, 73(2), 736-51.
Schaffer, J. (2013b). The Action of the Whole. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 87(1), 67-87.
Schaffer, J. (2013). Metaphysical Semantics Meets Multiple Realizability. Analysis Reviews, 73(2), 736-51.
Habermas, J. (1989). El discurso filosófico de la modernidad (trad. M. Jiménez Redondo). Taurus.Book (Two or More Authors)
Connee, S. y Sider, T. (2013). Acertijos de la existencia: un paseo guiado por la metafísica (trad. S. Ayala López). Alianza.Names of up to twenty authors must be reported in the reference list. If the source has more than twenty authors, you should list the first 19 authors and then use an ellipsis after the 19th author’s name. After the ellipses, write the name of the last author of the work.
Book Chapter with Editor
Bennet, K. (2009). Composition, Colocation, and Metaontology. In D. Chalmers, D. Manley y R. Wasserman (Eds.), Metametaphysics: New Essays on the Foundations of Ontology (pp. 38-76). Clarendon Press.Book with Corporative or Institutional Author
Concilio Vaticano II (2001). Constitución pastoral sobre la Iglesia en el mundo actual: Gaudium et spes. San Pablo.Book with Editor, Compiler or Translator
Crouzel, H. y Simonetti, M. (Ed.). (1978). Origène. Traité des Principes I. Cerf.Anonymous Work
Anónimo. (2002). Gran Upanisad del Bosque (Ed. C. Martín). Trotta.Thesis or Disertations
Diaz, M. (2020). El Logos mediador en Filón de Alejandría [Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad de Chile]. Dictionary Entry
Olivar, A. (2005). Patrística. En J. J. Tamayo (Ed.), Nuevo diccionario de teología, Trotta.Online Dictionary Entry (or Alike)
Real Academia Española. (s.f.). Cultura. En Diccionario de la lengua española. Recuperado en 10 de febrero de 2019, de, J. (2017). The Mind/Brain Identity Theory. En E. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Recuperado en 25 de septiembre de 2020, de
Electronic Sources
By using internet sources, the author, article name, email address and consultation date must be mentioned. If it is an electronic magazine, the volume, number year, pages, email address and consultation date must be specified.In case of an HTML document will indicate, the availability and access of information, in order to identify and locate the source cited and the consultation date will also be indicated.
The Word and Reason Magazine uses the Compilatio anti-plagiarism program to guarantee the originality of the submitted works.Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided to the editor in the comments).
- The file sent is in Microsoft Word format and fully anonymized.
- Whenever possible, URLs y/o DOI are provided for references.
- The text has 1.5 line spacing (space and a half) and justify; Garamond 12 font size points; and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in accordance to the text instead of at the end.
- The reference list is at the end of the text and perfectly coincides with the citation used in the main body of the text.
- The author data includes the ORCID number
- The text adheres to the stylistics and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author’s Guidelines and the information available in About the Journal.
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