Religious fundamentalism Features of the concept and theological aspects

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Pascale Larré Vargas
Fernanda Cuneo Carrasco


The question that guides this article is about the religious fundamentalism features and the theological contribution to its better understanding. We assume the author Susan Harding’s position, according to which, the religious fundamentalism is a Modernity’s construction, and it is not something outside the modern point of view. Due to a precariousness in theological insights diagnosed related to this topic, this article proposes to develop a synthesis about the social sciences and history contributions in the last decades, in order to present some phenomenon’s characteristics according to a theologicalanthropological perspective. For that purpose, the methodology used starts with the question about how we understand theologically the fundamentalism today as a contemporary phenomenon of religious revival. Then, we will briefly introduce the historical development of the term and we will present a selective synthesis of the social science research. Consequently, these contributions will be integrated into a fundamental-theological analysis about the believers’ categories that shape the phenomenon, in order to give a prospective view of the fundamentalism at present.

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